Ginger Peach Scones

03 Oct 2023 - mossbeasts

Welcome to… scones 2!!

This is another King Arthur recipe I modified, because I’m phisiologically incapable of following a recipe as written. I doubled the recipe to make sixteen scones about the same size as my palm. I think I’ll double Kind Arthur recipes by default from now on: every time I haven’t, the quantities have been surprisingly small. And I like to have leftovers for the free table.

Quick note: I used the recipe from the King Arthur cookbook, not their website, so it was slightly different - no vanilla extract, but it used vanilla yoghurt for the dairy.

I added 1/4 cup of ginger root (dried but not candied; it was for tea), a teaspoon of fresh, grated ginger (which didn’t really make much of a difference), swapped half the nutmeg for cardamom, and left out the almond extract. I figured that cardamom, nutmeg, peach, and ginger were enough flavors.

The cardamom is because I think that Everything should have more cardamom, especially baked goods. It’s good in coffee, too…

They came out mostly how I wanted them, and were delicious. I’m going to write a little bit about how I’d improve them, but I do think they worked well.

If I made them again, I’d want to increase the ginger flavor. Candied ginger root instead of dried, I think, and I’d increase the amount of fresh ginger. Or chop it instead of grating it.

I increased the sugar slightly to compensate for the fact that the ginger wasn’t candied. I think I either need to not do that, or increase the amount of salt as well.

I also finally used a bench scraper to cut in the butter! I think I’m going to do this every time; it was soooo much easier than doing it by hand (litterally). One complaint I had about the last scones I made was that they weren’t flaky enough, so I left the butter in bigger chunks, which helped some.

Unfortunately I think the kind of flakiness I’m looking for is best found in biscuits (the American kind), and not scones. I think maybe I’ll make those next. It’d be fun to see if I can put fresh fruit in them…

I bet someone’s done that before.

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