
19 Oct 2023 - mossbeasts

First of all, I’ve done the dangerous deed of creating a “misc.” tag on this site. You know what this means - now, there’s always a 30% chance that any given post will end up in it, and thus, a slightly higher chance that the tags part of this site, which I worked so hard to set up, will become completely unusable.

We shall see.

Anyway! The actual topic of this post is my phone. I got an android, finally. I say finally because my last phone, a 4-5 year old iphone, had been dying a slow and ugly death for these past six months, including its developed inability to hold a charge for longer than three - maybe four - hours. Irritating, when you’re on campus for five or six.

It’s shocking, really, how much nicer the camera is. This is not unexpected because it’s a Pixel and G—-e seems to pride itself on its cameras, but I’m really enjoying both the macro focus mode, and the sheer definition I’m able to get. It focuses well, too, though seems to be a little bit more aggressive about blurring the backgrounds than my last phone, especially when I’m taking a photo of something at a relitively close proximity. We’ll see how that goes.

I have, of course, tried out five or six launchers by now and attempted to unlock OEM unlocking. I can’t do the latter until the phone is fully paid off, which makes sense, I guess. It’s also not like I will actually let myself do anything that had the possbility of bricking or damaging my phone; there’s too much I do with it to be willing to risk it. Still, I like knowing that I could, if I wanted, install Linage and/or mess with the software of it to my heart’s consent.

The battery life has felt lovely, though, frankly, any battery life would after my last few months of a phone that inevitably dies at 1500.

Okay, I had more to say, but I’m surprisingly tired tonight, so I’m going to leave it here.

The last thing, I suppose is that as osmeone who loves the idea of open-source software, I think it’s good to use it as much as we can. Then again, it is a project by G—-e, which doesn’t negate the liscencing agreements, but it’s good to keep in mind.

I can - and will - delete any comment at any time for any reason I want. Write comments that won't make me want to delete them.

Also, refer to people with initials or with their github username. I'd like to maintain the thin veneer of possible anonymity this site currently has.