Using Rss
19 Oct 2023 - mossbeasts
I’m going to be setting up an RSS reader on my phone, and figured I’d document how - and what RSS even is - along the way, given that it’s pretty niche these days.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, and that’s basically what it is. If you know what syndication is in a web context, you probably don’t need the rest of this post. If you don’t, it basically allows you to grab updates/new posts from different websites, and view them all in one place. You can do it on any site that has a RSS feed set up (like this one, hint hint).
To use RSS you’ll need a RSS feed reader on your computer or phone, whichever you want to actually read the updates on. There’s a bunch of free RSS readers on pretty much any platform and a bunch of paid ones. I’ve never bothered with a paid one. I’m currently using Feeder on Android, which will update every half hour, and has no ads. I’ve used it for a grand total of five minutes as I write htis post, but it seems nice.
To add a feed, you’ll open up your RSS reader, and click to whichever button lets you add a feed. This is going to be different for every reader, so I don’t have more specific guidelines. If you’re doing it on a small, handmade site like mine, you’ll want to plug in the full URL of where the feed lives - for my blog, that’s “” - which is where you’ll go if you click the RSS link in the top right corner of my site. Chose the notification settings you want, and you’re done!
Anyway, I think more people should use RSS.
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