
24 Oct 2023 - mossbeasts

I should probably change my “food” tag to be “cooking” or something similar. I probably won’t though.

Anyway! I made some delicious beans, and want to write down what I did. This is not a full-effort recipe-post, though they are delicious and I’d encourage you to make them if you want.

Took garlic, fried it with canola oil. Also added thyme, salt. Olive next time, maybe? Added celery, mushrooms. Cooked ‘til texture was right.

Next - finely chopped kale, some miso paste, a little tomato paste. Can probably simplify the amount of pastes, tbh.

Fried sausage in another pan. Used hot links because that’s what we had; Andouille would be better. Once crispy, added them to first pot. Cooked for a little bit, added canned chickpeas. Cooked a little bit, added beef stock (from concentrate), lemon juice, chives. Let simmer.

Last minute: green beans, chopped fine. Cooked them a little in the sausage pan first; ideally they’d get added in the beginning so I wouldn’t have to do that. This is because I don’t like boiling them.

Toppings: little bit of sour cream, a lot of crumbled feta, a lot of fresh dill (chopped), sun dried tomatoes, lemon zest, and lemon slices to make it look fancy. Squeezed these into the beans while I was eating them, which was very good.

Future ideas - needs onions, I think. Add before celery.


Also pictured - my new bowl. Taken from the dish pit, with the consent of the kitchen manager (we’re moving to an everyone-cleans-their-own-shit system instead of an everyone-piles-their-dirty-dishes-up-so-that-someone-else-will-wash-them system, and part one of that is everyone claiming a bowl + plate + cup from the communal dishes to be theirs). I’m broadly hopeful for this plan (the dish pit has been gross), but I do wonder how it’s going to impact cooking. I hope no one tries to claim the big mixing bowls as their personal bowl…

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